10+ Celo projects are reinventing climate action: B_WC winners announced

This post was written by Toucans Developer Advocate Lena Hierzi

The โ€œBuild with Celo โ€“ Tokenized Carbonโ€ hackathon was the first of 4 monthly hackathons in Celos "Build with Celo" (B_WC) series. As the first B_WC hackathon partner, we helped projects get their climate-positive dApps off the ground. And now, as hackathon round #1 has come to a close, we are excited to show you the amazing submissions weโ€™ve received!

B_WC is a virtual multi-month hackathon that invites developers from around the globe to build on ideas for the common good. Every month, the hackathon focuses on a specific topic and challenge. Everyone can use these challenges as opportunities to iterate and improve on their ideas, or to build out a new idea!
If you're interested in learning more about B_WC or want to apply, visit the official B_WC website. The next applications can be submitted from 1st of June onwards. The topic: adding social sign-in to your project with Masaโ€™s .celo Soulnames and/or Social Connect.

And if you're inspired to start building your own Celo app that utilizes tokenized carbon, check out our blog post with numerous resources ๐Ÿ‘‡

B_WC hackathon | Blockchain application for climate action
The B_WC Hackathon season has started. Use Toucans infrastructure to integrate real climate action into your existing project or to build a dApp that improves the VCM. $20k in prices up for grabs!

Now, let's introduce the hackathon winners and share a brief overview of their projects!

1. Carbon0

Carbon0 is a mobile app that simplifies carbon offsetting by using Toucans infrastructure. Their user-friendly platform improves carbon market transparency, and they aim to increase adoption among their app users.

Carbon0's mobile app addresses the need for accessible and easy carbon credit retirements. Their dedication, engagement on social platforms, and active participation impressed the judges.

Learn more:

2. Carbon Tracker

Carbon Tracker developed a decentralized application (dApp) on the Celo blockchain. This dApp empowers companies to monitor and manage their carbon footprint. Itโ€™s a solution that promotes sustainable practices and helps users to transparently offset emissions.

With 122 registrations and 22 teams submitting their projects, it was a tough decision to select three winners and ten teams for the pool prize!

Lena Hierzi, Developer Advocate
Carbon Tracker's use of IoT devices to measure a company's emissions resonated with the judges. It demonstrates their commitment to helping organizations to reduce their carbon footprint.

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3. EarthToken

EarthToken is making individualsโ€™ carbon offsetting easy. In addition to a calculator for estimating your personal emissions, they offer social sign-in to make carbon retirements more accessible. Additionally, they added an educational aspect by providing a news section related to climate topics and carbon offsetting.

What is social sign-in?

Most Web3 applications require you to sign in with your crypto wallet. This provides a blocker to non-web3-native users โ€“ they might stop exploring the application at this stage. A social sign-in lets you use your Google or Twitter account to sign in, which makes Web3 applications more accessible. They can then be introduced to a broader audience.
BUT: Only offering a social sign-in might stop Web3 users that value anonymity and already have a wallet. When you combine social sign-in with Web3 sign-in, you facilitate the biggest reach. A social sign-in for Web3 could be your domain name, i.e. gigahierz.celo.
You can also get your celo domain name right now when getting your Porsperity Passport.

We loved how EarthToken approached carbon offsetting as a topic that everyone should think about and learn about, instead of just focusing on Web3.

Learn more:

Carbon credit retirements explained | Climate Action
What exactly are carbon credit retirements, and how do they drive climate action? We look at the lifecycle of carbon credits - from the project planning phase to retirement.

Other notable projects

Several other teams presented impressive ideas during the hackathon. Here are ten notable projects that were awarded the pool prize.

Alive Nature

Alive Natureโ€™s mission is to provide a platform where small farmers can pre-finance their carbon credits and trade them as NFTs. By leveraging blockchain technology, they aim to make carbon credits more accessible and transparent, while promoting sustainable practices.

Alive Nature offers direct tokenization for farmers, allowing them to skip middlemen.

Learn more:

Green Init

Green Init stands for Green Initiative. It is a platform that enables individuals and businesses to finance eco-friendly initiatives as a way of offsetting their carbon footprint.

NFTs are issued to supporters and serve as an incentive to reduce carbon emissions. The more carbon credits are retired, the juicier the NFT reward.

Kudos for implementing a dynamic NFT that reflects the users' impact!

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Hortulo is an NFT project that is designed to evolve and grow proportionally to the number of carbon credits retired. This encourages the users of the platform to actively reduce carbon emissions. That way, users can make a positive impact on the planet and create a tangible and visual representation of their environmental efforts.

For each carbon retirement, the user receives a flower NFT to grow their own virtual flower garden.

Learn more:

What is climate tech | Working in climate tech
The climate tech industry is a rapidly growing field with unique opportunities to make a meaningful impact. We explore what climate tech is, who can work in climate & why blockchains are key to scale impact.


Route provides various options to their users: They can buy tokenized carbon with $CELO tokens, a credit card, and other payment options.

Route users can pay with FIAT, and Route can be integrated into other dApps.

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Toucan Ads

This platform incentivizes users to include ads on their page. As a planet-positive reward, the user receives 1 TCO2 token per 1000 impressions or per 100 clicks.

Learn more:

Revive Duniya

Revive Duniya is a fun, challenging, and engaging GameFi project. They inspire players to adopt sustainable practices and take tangible action toward creating a more sustainable future. The game also incentivizes users to reduce their carbon footprint through the use of game mechanics. A share of revenue (or tokens) from the game is distributed to organizations focused on addressing carbon emissions.

Our only game submission โ€“ and it has been developed by four Nigerian women. We love to see this diversity in the space and canโ€™t wait for a prototype to go live.

Learn more:

More B_WC hackathon projects

Carbon Destroyer makes carbon credit retirements easy. Check out their demo, their GitHub or video.

CarbonXchange is building a platform where everyone can buy and sell carbon credits in a transparent and efficient manner. Watch the Demo, have a look at their GitHub, or check out their video.

Decarbonize provides fractional tokenized carbon credits. Everyone can use these credits to offset their carbon footprint on a regular basis and in small units, ie. for a single flight or an item of clothing. Here's a demo, their GitHub, and a video.

ReFiPal facilitates carbon credit management. As a dApp, they offer a secure and transparent platform for individuals and businesses to deposit, transfer and retire carbon credits. Check out a demo, look at GitHub and their video.

Congratulations to all participating teams!!! We are very excited to follow your progress along the road & invite all of our readers to do the same!