Toucan in Paris - our Top 10 moments
Toucan Flock is still buzzing from the amazing energy in Paris last week - the ReFi crowd just gets cooler & cooler! Here are some of our highlights.

The Toucan Flock is still buzzing from the amazing energy in Paris last week - the ReFi crowd just gets cooler & cooler! Here are some of our highlights.
- Co-Founder Raph on a panel about the Future of #ReFi
the vibes are as 🔥 as the temp outside at @CeloOrg's Celo Connect Salon! @raphabenoi kicked off the morning chatting Future of #ReFi & our shared mission with @mr_adrianxyz of @senken_io, @christophdlange of @atem_green & @anranga95 of @clim8collective #CeloVie
— Toucan (back from Paris) (@ToucanProtocol) July 19, 2022
2. A successful Aprés ReFi, hosted together with our friends from Celo, Senken, and Flow Carbon. Great people, great atmosphere, and a perfect way to kick off an exciting week!
Great Apres ReFi yesterday (with not enough pics taken) at @CeloOrg Connect Salon with @senken_io, @CeloOrg & @weareflowcarbon
— Toucan (back from Paris) (@ToucanProtocol) July 20, 2022
3. The intimate ReFi Sense Check & roundtable discussion on major opportunities, risks & tough questions in ReFi, led by JohnX and Climate Collective.
4. Spending loads of quality and fun time with the Flock

5. A buzzing Celo Connect Salon
Celo Connect Salon has ended; what a week it has been!
— Celo (@CeloOrg) July 23, 2022
Thank you to all the panelists, moderators, organizers, and Celo community members who came out! #Ethcc #ReFiSummer #CeloVie
Here's the #CeloWeeklyRecap Paris Edition! 🇫🇷 ⤵️
6. Ecosystem mapping with Nirvaan (Climate Collective) and JohnX
👉 Check out this amazing map if you haven't yet!
"We think of web3 and climate as separate spaces - but their overlap is growing. Toucan sits in the middle, connecting projects with capital" - @johnx25bd at the @clim8collective ecosystem workshop during #ethcc
— Toucan (back from Paris) (@ToucanProtocol) July 20, 2022
7. Exploring collaborations with many exciting actors, like our friends from Kolektivo — often in street cafés, or late at night in very French bars...

8. Beth diving into frameworks for regenerative culture at ETHCC (followed by a spontaneous presentation covering the same subject at the Protein Good Growth workshop).
"How can we create organizations that are nourishing for people?" - @ontologymachine speaks at @EthCC about building regenerative culture
— Toucan (back from Paris) (@ToucanProtocol) July 20, 2022
9. A wonderful Sustainable Blockchain Summit. Raph spoke on a panel while Ela & Beth workshopped events offsetting and building a regenerative community strategy.
Catch up on talks you may have missed 👇
Not able to make #SBSummit2022 IRL? Check out the live stream of the main Auditorium Stage starting at 10am— 🇫🇷 Paris time.
— filecoingreen (@filecoingreen) July 22, 2022
👀 👇
10. Hanging with the ReFi crowd 💚

We can't spend more time with all of you! ReFiSummer is just getting started ☀️
Toucan is building the technology to bring the world's supply of carbon credits onto energy-efficient blockchains and turn them into tokens that anyone can use. This paves the way for a more efficient and scalable global carbon market.